Raag Marwa

Raag Marwa belongs to Marwa thaat of the North Indian Music System. Komal Re (Rishabh), Tivra Ma (Madhyam) & rest swaras are used shudh or pure notes in this Raga. This raag has a joyful tone (Chanchal Prakriti). In this Raag, both Shudh Ma (Madhyam) & Pa (Pancham) are Varjit Swaras.

Raag Marwa

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Characteristics or Visheshta of this Raag:

  • This Raga is Ashray Raag of Marwa Thaat. [Note: Pa (Pancham) is varjit swara in Raag mrwa not in Thaat MRwa as Thaat used to have all notes.]
  • The nature of this raag is Joyful (Chanchal). Masitkhani Gat & Bada Khyal is less used in this Raga.
  • While performing this raag, the very first wire of Tanpura tuned on Mandra Saptak Ni (Nishad). this is because both Ma (Madhyam) & Pa (Pancham) is varjya or not allowed in this raag.
  • It is an evening timed “Sandhi-Prakash) Raag as the time to perform is 4-7 PM.
  • To show the value of RE (Rikhab) note, SA (Shadaj) is used less compare to RE (Rikhab).
  • Nyas Ke Swar: Komal RE & Dha.
  • Special Swar-Groups:

Click Here To Read An Article About 10 Thaats Of Indian Classical Music

Comparison of Raag Pooriya, Raag Marwa & Raag Sohini


  • They belong to Marwa Thaat.
  • Use of Komal RE (Rikhab), Tivra MA (Madhyam) & rest Shudh Swara in all these ragas.
  • They belong to Shadav – Shadav jati.
  • Pa (Pancham) is Varjit swara in these ragas.
  • The time is also common “Sandhi-Prakash”.
  • While performing the first wire of Tanpura supposed to be on Mandra Ni (Nishad).


  • The Vadi-Samvadi section is different in these ragas.
  1. Pooriya Raag: GA-NI
  2. Marwa Raag: RE-DHA
  3. Sohini Raag: GA-DHA
  • They are different in nature.
  1. Pooriya Raag: Gambhir Prakriti (Serious Tone)
  2. Marwa Raag: Chanchal Prakriti (Joyful Tone)
  3. Sohini Raag: Chanchal Prakriti (Joyful Tone)
  • Raag Pooriya & Raag Marwa refers to evening time Sandhi-Prakash Raag, & Sohini refers to morning time Sandhi-Prakash Raag.
  • There are two followings to Dha (Dhaivat) of Raag Pooriya but n confusions or divisions regarding Dha (Dhaivat) of Raag Marwa & Raag Sohini.


1. This Raag belongs to which thaat?
a) Kafi
b) Marwa
c) Pooriya
d) Bhairav 2. Select Jati of this Raag?
a) Audav – Shadav,
b) Shadav – Shadav,
c) Shadav – Audav,
d) Shadav – Sampoorna 3. Select the correct combination of Vadi-Samvadi?
a) RE-MA
c) GA-NI
d) MA-SA 4. What is the suitable time for this raag?
a) Early Morning,
b) Afternoon,
c) Evening,
d) Mid-Night 5. Which swara is not used in this raag?
a) RE,
b) SA,
c) NI,
d) PA

Answers: 1(b), 2(b), 3(b), 4(c), 5(d).

Compositions Performed by Masters in Raag Marwa