Tum Bin Jeevan kaisa Jeevan
Tum Bin Jeevan Kaisa Jeevan is a song from Bawarchi Movie. This song is in a sixteen-beat rhythmic cycle, Chhota Teen Taal. Cast: Rajesh Khanna, Jaya Bhaduri, Asrani. On this page, we are adding some information about the song and a video tutorial of the same. This is a simple basic introductory tutorial for those who are new to the Tabla but over-excited to play with the songs. This is our humble attempt to help those new students. Chhota Teen Taal Song Video Tutorial Added with notes.
Chhota Teen Taal Song (Theka Used)
DhaS |
SDhi(n) | SN | DhaS | DhaDha | SDhi(n) | SN |
DhaS |
1 |
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
DhaS |
STi(n) | SN | TaS | TaTa | SDhi(n) | SN | DhaS |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 |
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Chhota Teen Taal Info
Chhota Teen Taal is a North Indian taal. This Taal is a 16 beat cycle referred to Chatrasat Jati group. It is a SAMPADI taal.
Matra / Beat – 16
Jati – Chatrasat
Vibhag / Division – 4 (4/4/4/4)
Taali / Clap – 1, 5, 13
Khali / Wave – 9